Chattopadhyay, AnindyaPrakash, BhanuVijayakumar,Nagendhar, Yoga2003-05-042009-05-292003-05-042009-05-292003-05-04Chattopadhyay A, Prakash B, Vijayakumar , Nagendhar Y. Parahiatal hernia with gastric obstruction in a child. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology. 2003 May-Jun; 22(3): 107-8 hernia refers to herniation of abdominal viscera into the chest adjacent to an intact hiatus. Spontaneously occurring parahiatal herniae are extremely rare. We report a 4-year-old boy who presented with intermittent vomiting and had such a hernia, where the herniated stomach had undergone partial volvulus. He was symptom-free after surgical repair.engChild, PreschoolDiagnosis, DifferentialDigestive System Surgical ProceduresGastric Outlet Obstruction --complicationsHernia, Hiatal --complicationsHumansMaleStomach Volvulus --surgeryParahiatal hernia with gastric obstruction in a child.Case Reports