Bhattacharjee, JDevadethan,Sharma, R SSaini, N KDatta, K K1996-12-012009-05-291996-12-012009-05-291996-12-01Bhattacharjee J, Devadethan , Sharma RS, Saini NK, Datta KK. Methods for estimating prevalence and incidence of senile cataract blindness in a district. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. 1996 Dec; 44(4): 207-11 problem of senile cataract blindness (SCB) is very acute in India, contributing to 80 per cent of total blindness. The national objective of reducing the prevalence of blindness from 1.49 per cent, during 1986-89 to 0.3 per cent by AD 2000 has necessitated the surgical correction of SCB to be the major activity. With the introduction of District Blindness Control Society (DBCS), there has been a substantial increase in the number of operations of SCB in those districts. However, in the absence of standard, feasible, simple and cost effective methods to estimate the prevalence and incidence of SCB, the DBCS may find it difficult to plan and execute its major activity in a realistic way. The paper suggests two such methods for the use by DBCS. Only five seemingly rational assumptions have been adopted for the purpose. The authors feel that proper field testing is required to be sure about the reliability and validity of these methods.engAdultAgedAged, 80 and overBlindness --epidemiologyCataract --epidemiologyData Interpretation, StatisticalEpidemiologic MethodsHumansIncidenceIndia --epidemiologyMiddle AgedPrevalenceReproducibility of ResultsMethods for estimating prevalence and incidence of senile cataract blindness in a district.Journal Article