Azad, RSharma, Y RMitra, SPai, A1998-06-162009-05-291998-06-162009-05-291998-06-16Azad R, Sharma YR, Mitra S, Pai A. Triple procedure in posterior segment intraocular foreign body. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. 1998 Jun; 46(2): 91-2 patients with intraocular foreign bodies and traumatic cataracts underwent single stage pars plana lensectomy with anterior capsule preservation, vitrectomy, removal of the foreign body, and intraocular lens implantation. The preserved anterior capsule permitted support for the placement of an intraocular lens in the posterior chamber in the ciliary sulcus. The procedure enabled early visual rehabilitation. This procedure seems useful in the management of posterior segment intraocular foreign body associated with cataract.engAdolescentAdultCataract --diagnosisCataract Extraction --methodsEye Foreign Bodies --diagnosisEye Injuries, Penetrating --diagnosisFollow-Up StudiesHumansLens Implantation, IntraocularLens, Crystalline --injuriesMaleRetina --injuriesVisual AcuityVitrectomy --methodsVitreous Body --injuriesVitreous Hemorrhage --diagnosisTriple procedure in posterior segment intraocular foreign body.Case Reports