Narayanan, R BRamu, GMalaviya, G NSengupta, UDesikan, K V1985-04-012009-05-281985-04-012009-05-281985-04-01Narayanan RB, Ramu G, Malaviya GN, Sengupta U, Desikan KV. In situ characterization of cells in the dermal infiltrates of lepromin reaction using monoclonal antibodies. Indian Journal of Leprosy. 1985 Apr-Jun; 57(2): 265-72 study was made on the in situ characteristics of dermal infiltrates in the early and late lepromin reaction with monoclonal antibodies defining T cell subsets, Langerhan cells and Ia like antigens. The early reaction (24 hrs) was elicited either with standard Dharmendra lepromin or leprosin-A and the late reaction (3-4 weeks) was elicited with standard Dharmendra lepromin. In all, 15 biopsies were studied. Most lymphocytes in the infiltrates of both the lepromin and leprosin reactions were positive for OKT 11, Leu 3a, OKT 8 and Ia like antigens indicating thereby the presence of activated T cells. A high proportion of OKT6 + cells were also noticed in the infiltrates of these reactions. In the late reaction, the lymphocytes in the granulomas were predominantly activated T lymphocytes expressing OKT 11, Leu 3a, OKT 8 and Ia like antigens. Leu 3a + cells were scattered diffusely amidst the epithelioid cells. In contrast, OKT 8 + cells were present mainly in the peripheral region of the granuloma. A small proportion of OKT6 + cells were also seen in these granulomas. Ia like antigens and T6 antigens were not discernible on the epithelioid cells. No difference in the number of OKT6 + epidermal langerhan cells was observed in the various types of reactions.engAntibodies, Monoclonal --diagnostic useAntigens, Bacterial --immunologyGranuloma --immunologyHistocompatibility Antigens Class II --analysisHumansImmunoenzyme TechniquesLangerhans Cells --immunologyLepromin --immunologyLeprosy --immunologyLymphocytes --pathologySkin --immunologyIn situ characterization of cells in the dermal infiltrates of lepromin reaction using monoclonal antibodies.Journal Article