Bosco, J IRajangam, SShankar, JThomas, I M2001-08-082009-05-312001-08-082009-05-312001-08-08Bosco JI, Rajangam S, Shankar J, Thomas IM. Dermatoglyphics in 46, XY females. Journal of the Indian Medical Association. 2001 Aug; 99(8): 418-20 is known to be one of the best available diagnostic tools in genetic disorders. This paper aims to find out the diagnostic characteristic dermatoglyphic features in cytogenetically confirmed 46, XY female patients. The total number of patients studied (46, XY females) were 31 and the control consisted of 30 males and 30 females. Dermatoglyphic features, studied and tabulated, were: (a) Finger pattern frequency, (b) total finger ridge count (TFRC), absolute finger ridge count (AFRC), a-b ridge count, 'atd' angle and (c) palmar patterns eg, simian crease, Sydney line, hypothenar pattern, interdigital patterns. Results confirmed significant differences between the 46, XY females and the control groups: (i) 46, XY females had increased ulnar loops but decreased whorls as compared to control males (overall finger pattern frequency). (ii) The right thumb in 46, XY females had less whorls and more ulnar loops than both male and female control groups (individual finger pattern frequency). (iii) 46, XY females had lowered TFRC, AFRC, a-b ridge count than corresponding control groups (both control males and females). Significant differences were not observed for the 'atd' angle, interdigital patterns, hypothenar pattern, simian crease and Sydney line.engCase-Control StudiesChromosome AberrationsDermatoglyphicsFemaleGenetic MarkersGonadal Dysgenesis, 46,XY --diagnosisHumansInfant, NewbornMaleReference ValuesSensitivity and SpecificitySex CharacteristicsDermatoglyphics in 46, XY females.Journal Article