Nayak, Chitra SRay, SomshuklaThombre, AnilJain, Mahim2015-01-082015-01-082014-07Nayak Chitra S, Ray Somshukla, Thombre Anil, Jain Mahim. Factors affecting the duration of phase I of dexamethasone - cyclophosphamide pulse therapy. Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology. 2014 Jul-Aug; 80(4): 296-299. The introduction of dexamethasone-cyclophosphamide pulse (DCP) therapy for the pemphigus group of disorders by Pasricha has revolutionized the therapy for pemphigus. There are very few studies regarding factors affecting duration of phase I of the DCP. Aims: Our purpose was to study the relationship between various factors and duration of the phase I. Methods: A retrospective study of 98 patients of pemphigus on Dexamethasone Pulse therapy was conducted. Patients were classified according to duration of Phase 1 as those with phase I less than 6 months and those more than 6 months and analyzed for variable factors affecting duration of phase I. Results: Disease severity in pemphigus significantly prolonged the duration of phase I of DCP. Longer duration was also observed in patients on concurrent oral steroid therapy (both statistically significant). Conclusion: The findings from our study help us to address patient expectations and apprehensions regarding duration of therapy. A detailed understanding of the various patient and disease related factors responsible for affecting Phase I duration will help in better management of the patient, and the disease.enDexamethasone cyclophosphamide pulse therapypemphigusphase Ipulse therapyFactors affecting the duration of phase I of dexamethasone - cyclophosphamide pulse therapy.Article