HarshKaur, PrabhjotSood, Kuldip SBal, M.S.2020-09-242020-09-242019-05Harsh, Kaur Prabhjot, Sood Kuldip S, Bal M.S.. Comparison of Basement Membrane in Normotensive and Pregnancy Induced Hypertensive Placentae. International Journal of Medical Research Professionals. 2019 Jul; 5(3): 67-692454-63642454-6356http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/203308Introduction: Placenta is related to mother and foetus viaindirect interaction with maternal blood that spurts out ofuteroplacental vessels. By study of placental bed newinformation has come to light, especially for pre – eclampsiaand intra uterine fetal growth retardation.Aim: To study changes in basement membrane in pregnancyinduced hypertensive and normotensive placentae.Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted inthe Department of Anatomy, MMMCH, Kumarhatti, Solan tostudy the histological changes in placenta in pregnancyinduced hypertensive parturients as compared to normotensivesubjects. It was based on 100 cases, 25 from normotensivesubjects (control group) and 75 from clinically proven cases ofpregnancy induced hypertension (study group).An attempt was made to see any changes in histologicalfeatures of placentae of pregnancy induced hypertensive casesand compare it with normotensive placentae.Results and Conclusion: The microscopic study showedsignificant thickening of basement membrane in PIH placentae.As compared to normotensive placentae (control) and are dueto occlusion or narrowing of utero placental vasculaturesuggesting thereby compromised foeto – placental circulation.Basement MembranePlacentaPIH.Comparison of Basement Membrane in Normotensive and Pregnancy Induced Hypertensive PlacentaeJournal ArticleIndiaAssistant Professor, Head, Department of Anatomy, MMMC & H, Solan, HP, IndiaMS (Anatomy), 9-E, Medical College Campus, New Lal Bagh, Patiala, Punjab, India.Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy, MMMC & H, Solan, HP, India.Professor, Department of Pathology, MMMC & H, Solan, HP, India.