Balraj, K HBarathi, BThombre, D P1996-07-012009-06-011996-07-012009-06-011996-07-01Balraj KH, Barathi B, Thombre DP. Nucleus accumbens lesion does not affect schedule induced polydipsia. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 1996 Jul; 40(3): 262-4 with lesion of nucleus accumbens were hypodipsic under free-feeding conditions. In schedule-induced polydipsia (SIP) tests conducted by reducing the rats to 70% of free-feeding body weight and delivering 60 mg bengal gram pellets on a fixed time 1-min schedule, nucleus accumbens lesions did not delay the acquisition or show a decrease in the maintenance of S.I.P.engAnimalsConditioning, OperantDrinkingMaleNucleus Accumbens --physiologyRatsRats, WistarNucleus accumbens lesion does not affect schedule induced polydipsia.Journal Article