Srivastava, ShrutiBhatia, Manjeet SinghJhanjee, AnuragRathi, AnubhavChhaparia, AnujNand, Abhinesh2015-07-112015-07-112012-04Srivastava Shruti, Bhatia Manjeet Singh, Jhanjee Anurag, Rathi Anubhav, Chhaparia Anuj, Nand Abhinesh. Current Scenario of Psychiatric Diagnosis in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital. Delhi Psychiatry journal. 2012 Apr; 15 (1): 107-110. There is a need to evaluate the pattern of current psychiatric diagnosis in our country with the emergence of DSM-5 and ICD-11. Methods: All consecutive cases visiting a tertiary care teaching hospital in the age group of 10-80 years during November 2011 to February 2012 were recruited for the purpose of the study. Psychiatric diagnosis was made by qualified psychiatrists using semi-structured Performa as per ICD-10 Criteria. Analysis of data was done by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: Out of 1000 patients, 54.5 % patients are in the age group of 20-40 years with male to female ratio of 3:2 and married to unmarried ratio of 4:3. 18% patients suffered from psychosis, 6.8 % substance dependence, 3.6 % organic disorders, 12.6 % depression, 20.8 % anxiety disorders, 9.1 % bipolar disorder, 13.9 % psychosexual disorders, neurological disorders 4.6 %, and 9.2% having other psychiatric diagnosis. Conclusions: There is a need to evaluate patients visiting every psychiatric outpatient’s clinic so that changing trends in psychiatric problems, co-morbidities, prescribing patterns in view of the current diagnostic systems and treatment guidelines can be updated with special reference to Indian population.enPsychiatric diagnosisco-morbidityCurrent Scenario of Psychiatric Diagnosis in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital.Article