Deshmukh, Vishwajit RavindraSabapathy, VidhyameenaSharma, Sanjay KumarAggarwa, Navita2020-04-232020-04-232018-04Deshmukh Vishwajit Ravindra, Sabapathy Vidhyameena, Sharma Sanjay Kumar, Aggarwa Navita. Presence Of Enthesophytes In Both Appendicular And Axial Skeleton Of A Cadaver: A Case Report. International Journal of Anatomy and Research. 2018 Apr; 6(2): 5145-51482321-42872321-8967 the routine anatomy dissection for the undergraduate students, an uncommon variation in relation tobones was observed. The muscle attachments of the axial and appendicular skeleton were associated with theformation of extensive enthesophytes. The bones mainly responsible for the weight transmission especially inthe lower limbs were observed to have an abundant new bone formation in the area for muscle and ligamentattachments. This information may be of importance to radiologist, surgeons who are seeking to reduce themorbidity associated with dissections in this region, particularly related to paresthesias and nerve compressionsskeletonenthesophytesParesthesiasNerve compressionsPresence Of Enthesophytes In Both Appendicular And Axial Skeleton Of A Cadaver: A Case ReportJournal ArticleIndiaAssistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, JIPMER, Karaikal, India.Senior Resident, Department of Anatomy, JIPMER, Karaikal, India.Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Rajshree Medical Research Institute, Bareilly, India.Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Adesh Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Bathinda, India