Senanayake, HemanthaAriyaratne, HemalWijeratne, Sumedha2009-05-282009-05-282004-12-08Senanayake H, Ariyaratne H, Wijeratne S. Is there a place for a single value oral glucose tolerance test for the diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus? The Ceylon Medical Journal. 2004 Dec; 49(4): 136 Ceylon Medical Journal.engBlood Glucose --analysisCohort StudiesConfidence IntervalsDiabetes Mellitus --diagnosisDiabetes, Gestational --diagnosisFemaleGlucose Tolerance Test --standardsHumansIncidencePregnancyRisk AssessmentSensitivity and SpecificitySri Lanka --epidemiologyWorld Health OrganizationIs there a place for a single value oral glucose tolerance test for the diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus?Comparative Study