Devi, G PadminiReddy, P RameshkumarReddy, Ch. Venugopal2015-08-062015-08-062011-01Devi G Padmini, Reddy P Rameshkumar, Reddy Ch Venugopal. Institutional support for planning, production and marketing of products produced by women entrepreneurs. International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology. 2011 Jan-Mar; 2(1): 273-279.0976-4550 results of the study indicated that majority of the women entrepreneurs were seeking support from District Industries Centre, Khadi and Village Industries Board and Janasikshna Seva Samastan. Among planning, production and marketing support, TBMPP and NIRD was providing maximum planning support followed by K&VIB and DIC was providing maximum production support and K&VIB and ALEAP was providing maximum marketing support to the women entrepreneurs. Among all the institutions, K&VIB, ALEAP and DIC were providing maximum overall support to the women entrepreneurs.enInstitutional support for planning, production and marketing of products produced by women entrepreneurs.Article