Kaewpornsawan, TitaweeAriyanuchitkul, SamornPatoommas, Penpun2012-04-102012-04-101999-08Kaewpornsawan Titawee, Ariyanuchitkul Samorn, Patoommas Penpun. An analysis of the cost-effectiveness of enuresis treatment in Thai children, comparing the traditional method with alarm conditioning: Randomized controlled trial. Siriraj Medical Journal, 1999 Aug; 51(8): 610-618.http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/137560The cost-effectiveness of different treatments of primary nocturnal enuresis in Thai children were analysed. The traditional method and alarm conditioning were compared from both a provider’s and a patient’s perspective. The alarm conditioning had slightly more direct cost per treated case but had much lower cost per successful case.enCost-effectiveness of enuresisTraditional methodAlarm conditioningAn analysis of the cost-effectiveness of enuresis treatment in Thai children, comparing the traditional method with alarm conditioning: Randomized controlled trial.Article