Singh, AshishSingh, LalmaniGupta, RachnaSaxena, SaurabhKaneria, Rajeev2020-10-162020-10-162019-05Singh Ashish, Singh Lalmani, Gupta Rachna, Saxena Saurabh, Kaneria Rajeev. ​Effect of Liquid Paraffin Gauze Dressing In Burn Wounds: A Prospective Study. International Journal of Scientific Study. 2019 May; 7(2): 5-82321-595X2321-6379 Burn injury causes a considerable amount of disability, prolonged hospital stay, and burden on the public healthsector. Main requirement in burn wound management is an economical, easy to apply, readily available dressing, or method ofcoverage that will provide good pain relief, protect the wound from infection, promote healing, prevent heat and fluid loss, beelastic, non-antigenic, and adhere well to the wound while waiting for spontaneous epithelialization of superficial partial thicknessburns. The sterilized paraffin gauze dressing is non-adherent and non-allergenic and helps in speedy recovery of burn wounds.Materials and Methods: A prospective study of 90 patients with partial thickness burns who were salvageable (≤40% bodysurface area), admitted to Burn unit of Shyam Shah Medical College and associated Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital,Rewa from June 1, 2017, to May 31, 2018. The autoclaved liquid paraffin gauze was applied over burn wound. Patients wereassessed on the basis of subsidence of pain, time of epithelialization if occurred after liquid paraffin gauze dressing. Patients’blood investigations were noted and the assessment of the effect of hemoglobin (anemia) and platelet counts in burn woundhealing in terms of mean epithelialization time were done.Results: Mean epithelialization time was 16 days. In 25% of cases epithelialization developed in 10–12 days. Post-burn painsubsided in 4–6 days in maximum in 54.44% cases. Mild and moderate anemia had no significant effect on wound healingtime (mean epithelialization time). Patient with less than normal platelet counts (<1.5 lakh/cumm) had more epithelializationtime and with normal platelet count had less epithelialization time. 15 patients developed complications and most commoncomplication was hyper granulation (11.11%).Conclusion: Burn wounds pose a great burden on health-care infrastructure and burn units. We can conclude that liquid paraffingauze dressing has good patient acceptability and less painful, it is easily available and relatively less expensive. In developingand resource-poor countries, most of the patients are from the rural background so these patients will need a dressing that isrelatively less expensive and easily available such as liquid paraffin gauze dressing.Burn woundEpithelialization timeLiquid paraffin gauzeEffect of Liquid Paraffin Gauze Dressing In Burn Wounds: A Prospective StudyJournal ArticleIndiaPost Graduate Student, Department of General Surgery, Shyam Shah Medical College, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, IndiaAssociate Professor, Department of General Surgery, Shyam Shah Medical College, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, IndiaProfessor, Department of General Surgery, Shyam Shah Medical College, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, IndiaAssistant Professor, Department of General surgery, Shyam Shah Medical College, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, IndiaSenior Resident, Department of General surgery, Shyam Shah Medical College, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, India