Nayana, N SKhan, SabinaJetley, SujataHassan, Mohammed Jaseem2016-10-202016-10-202016-03Nayana N S, Khan Sabina, Jetley Sujata, Hassan Mohammed Jaseem. Epidermoid Cyst of Ovary: A Rare Entity. IJSS Case Reports & Reviews. 2016 Mar; 2(10): 31-33. instances of epidermoid cyst of ovary have been reported in literature with incidence of <1% among all the ovarian tumors. It often mimics mature cystic teratoma of the ovary and needs extensive sampling and careful microscopic examination to rule out the presence of adnexal structures and other tissues. Most of the cases in literature were reported as an incidental finding, but large epidermoid cyst of the ovary is seen as a rare entity. We present one such quizzical case of a large epidermoid cyst of ovary occurring in a 44-year-old female presenting with multiple fibroids of uterus.enEpidermoid cystMature cystic teratomaOvaryEpidermoid Cyst of Ovary: A Rare Entity.Article