Trivedi, T HDaga, G LYeolekar, M E2005-03-022009-05-302005-03-022009-05-302005-03-02Trivedi TH, Daga GL, Yeolekar ME. Geophagia leading to hypokalemic quadriparesis in a postpartum patient. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India. 2005 Mar; 53(): 205-7 is an eating disorder associated with ingestion of variety of non-food substances. A postpartum patient who presented with acute flaccid quadriparesis was detected to have severe hypokalemia. After extensive investigations for cause of hypokalemia, history of geophagia (clay-eating) was obtained. Approach to hypokalemia and health hazards of pica are discussed.engAdultElectrocardiographyFemaleHumansHypokalemia --etiologyPica --complicationsQuadriplegia --etiologyGeophagia leading to hypokalemic quadriparesis in a postpartum patient.Case Reports