Rastogi, AmitHaldar, RudrashishMajumdar, GaurangaPahade, Akhilesh,Singh, Prabhat K2015-08-252015-08-252015-07Rastogi Amit, Haldar Rudrashish, Majumdar Gauranga, Pahade Akhilesh, Singh Prabhat. K. Pressure bandage over venous conduit harvesting site causing compartment syndrome in a patient with intra-aortic balloon pump: An unusual cause. Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia. 2015 Jul; 18(3): 453-459.http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/162402Intra Aortic Balloon Pump (IABP) is conventionally used to support coronary perfusion and weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass. IABP in situ has its own share of complications. We present a case where a patient on IABP support who had reduced peripheral pulsations of the ipsilateral limb and was initially misdiagnosed as IABP catheter associated thromboembolism. A negative embolectomy ruled out the same. Further looking for the cause of reduction of ipsilateral pulses it was found that the tight compressive bandage at saphenous vein conduit harvesting site had led to development of compartment syndrome (CS).enCompartment syndromeThromboembolismVenous conduitAdultBlood Vessel ProsthesisCompartment Syndromes --epidemiologyCompartment Syndromes --etiologyCompression Bandages --adverse effectsHumansIntra-Aortic Balloon Pumping --epidemiologyMalePressureSaphenous VeinThromboembolism --epidemiologyThromboembolism --etiologyTissue and Organ HarvestingPressure bandage over venous conduit harvesting site causing compartment syndrome in a patient with intra-aortic balloon pump: An unusual cause.Article