Kapoor, R.Sharma, Ashok KBhardwaj, Subhash2014-08-142014-08-142000-04Kapoor R, Sharma Ashok K, Bhardwaj Subhash. Sympathetic Ophthalmia: Mangement and Role of Immunosuppressants. JK Science Journal of Medical Education and Research. 2000 April-Jun ; 2 (2): 99-101.http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/153663Presented here is a case of sympathetic ophthalmia that provided us an opportunity to evaluate the eficacay of immunosuppressive drugs with steroids in reduced doses and their outcome in improving thevisual loss in a young patient who had fast deterioration in his visual acuity.enSympathetic ophthalmiaAutoimmune uveitisSympathetic Ophthalmia: Mangement and Role of Immunosuppressants.Article