Chuanchuen, RungtipKhemtong, SirintipPadungtod, Pawin2009-05-272009-05-272007-09-29Chuanchuen R, Khemtong S, Padungtod P. Occurrence of qacE/qacEDelta1 genes and their correlation with class 1 integrons in salmonella enterica isolates from poultry and swine. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2007 Sep; 38(5): 855-62 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.In this study, a total of 122 Salmonella enterica isolates from poultry and swine were assessed for susceptibility to clinically important antibiotics and to benzalkonium chloride (BKC). All isolates were examined for the presence of the antiseptic resistance genes qacE and qacEDelta1 and intl1 (class 1 integrase). The intl1-positive strains were further investigated for the presence of the 3' conserved region. The results demonstrated widespread distribution of qacEDelta1 (27%) but no isolate with qacE was observed. The intl1 gene was identified in 23 isolates (70%) with qacEDelta1. All of the intl1-postive strains carried qacEDelta1 in 3' conserved segment, confirming that the qacEDelta1 gene is linked to the integrons. Increased MIC value to BKC was independent of the presence of qacEDelta1, and multiple antibiotic-resistant bacteria were no more tolerant to BKC than the non-multidrugresistant strains, regardless of the presence of qacEDelta1.engAnimalsBenzalkonium Compounds --pharmacologyDNA, Bacterial --geneticsDrug Resistance, Multiple, BacterialIntegronsMicrobial Sensitivity TestsPoultryPoultry Diseases --microbiologySalmonella Infections, Animal --microbiologySalmonella enterica --drug effectsSwineSwine Diseases --microbiologyOccurrence of qacE/qacEDelta1 genes and their correlation with class 1 integrons in salmonella enterica isolates from poultry and swine.Journal Article