Srivastava, Akhlesh KumarGoyal, Rameshwar Dayal2019-11-162019-11-162019-04Srivastava Akhlesh Kumar, Goyal Rameshwar Dayal. A Prospective Study on Incidence of Peripheral Vascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research. 2019 Apr-Jun; 5(2): 57-592454-98942454-9886 Diabetes levies a heavy toll on the vascular system, with both macrovascular and microvascular complications. PAD is one of the major microvascular complications of Type 2 DM [2]. PAD is highly prevalent in diabetes. It has a predilection for lower limbs. It has been assumed that the metabolic abnormality in the prediabetic phase predisposes to more distal and aggressive atherosclerosis. Methods: The duration of study was over a period of 6 month. Total 75 cases were included in this study with diabetic mellitus. This study was conducted in the Department of surgery in Krishna Mohan Medical College & Hospital, Mathura, U.P, India. Result: In our study 75 cases with diabetic mellitus were included. Out of 75 cases 64% male & 36% were female. Predominant age was >75 year followed by other age groups. In this present study, 15 cases of hypertensive & 2 cases of PVD out of hypertensive were found. Conclusion: This study suggested that incidence of PVD is about 10% in the present study. This has to be viewed seriously considering the huge diabetic population and due importance to be given for screening and prevention of PVD.Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD)Diabetic MellitusHypertensive & NormotensiveA Prospective Study on Incidence of Peripheral Vascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetes MellitusJournal ArticleIndiaAssistant Professor, Dept. of General Surgery, Krishna Mohan Medical College & Hospital, Mathura, U.P, India.Assistant Professor, Dept. of General Surgery, Krishna Mohan Medical College & Hospital, Mathura, U.P, India.