Dorsal cavoatrial bypass graft for coarctation of inferior vena cava-trial of aortic occlusion technique.

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Male aged 28, presented with coarctation of inferior vena cava (IVC) causing chronic Budd-Chiari syndrome (CBCS). The coarcted IVC was exposed by transthoracic, transdiaphragmatic, retroperitoneal approach. There was no evidence of inflammation or compression. Venotomy was done immediately below the coarctation after clamping the descending aorta above the diaphragm. Distal IVC was occluded with a Fogarty balloon catheter passed through the venotomy. There was no flow through hepatic veins. But a dry field was not obtained because of bleeding from the systemic collaterals draining into IVC above the venotomy. Hence the veno-tomy was sutured. Dorsal cavoatrial bypass (DCAB) was done anastomosing the graft, end to side of IVC at a lower level, after partial clamping of IVC. Cross clamping the descending aorta appears to be a useful technique for surgery of retrohepatic IVC to arrest blood flow from distal IVC and hepatic veins.
Victor S, Jayanthi V, Alagesan R, Kandasamy I, Madanagopalan N. Dorsal cavoatrial bypass graft for coarctation of inferior vena cava-trial of aortic occlusion technique. Tropical Gastroenterology. 1991 Jul-Sep; 12(3): 148-52