Distally Based Superficial Sural Artery Flap For Coverage of Lower Third Leg Defects.

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Soft tissue defects in distal third of leg impose a challenge to reconstructive surgeon .The distally based sural neurocutaneous flap based on sural nerve and superficial sural artery has been used for reconstruction of distal third of leg, tendoachilles and heel,medial malleolus and hind foot.We describe our experience and evaluate the reliability of this flap.12 patients with age range from 20-62 years underwent distally based superficial sural artery flap for coverage of defects of distal third of leg, tendoachilles and heel,medial malleolus over a period of two years. All the flaps survived,one flap showed venous congestion but was managed conservatively.The main advantage of the flap is constant and reliable blood supply without sacrifice of major artery.The flap may be raised as islanded or pedicled flap.
Distally Based Sural Artery Flap, Lower Third Leg Defects
Sharma Ratnakar, Parray Aamir. Distally Based Superficial Sural Artery Flap For Coverage of Lower Third Leg Defects. JK Science Journal of Medical Education and Research. 2013 Apr-June; 15(2): 94-97.