Apple Cider Vinegar and Muscle and Arthritis Pain : A Case Report

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Journal of the Dental Association of Thailand
This review’s object was to present the experience which the author had from using apple cider vinegar to alleviate muscle pain. Pubmed and websites were searched. And some information was evidence from the author’s personal experience. Using apple cider vinegar to alleviative muscle pain, the author has saved the health care cost of expensive drugs. The vinegar helped reducing the use of anti-inflammatory drugs which a physician prescribed for one time, consequently decreased side effects of the drugs. Later the medications were not needed for pain. Beter health was obtained from using the vinegar. In conclusion, this article may be useful to a dentist who has muscle pain and arthritis and anyone else who has the pain.
Journal of the Dental Association of Thailand; Vol.59 No.2 April-June 2009; 82-90