Uterus didelphys with fibroid uterus and ovarian cyst--rare Muellerian malformation.

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Persistent Muellerian duct syndrome is a very rare anomaly. A woman of 46-year-old was admitted with the history of lower abdominal pain, bleeding per vaginum and irregular menstrual cycles for last 6 months. An irregular non-tender mass of 16 x 10cm in size was palpable in suprapubic region. Per vaginal examination revealed two cervices and an incomplete vaginal septum. Ultrasound abdomen showed one uterus with endometrial cavity clearly delineated with a fibroid and an ovarian cyst in the left lumbar region. On laparotomy, 2 uterii along with a fibroid from the anterior wall of left uterus and a left ovarian cyst was seen. Patient had undergone total abdominal hysterectomy and adnexa removal. The specimen showed florid adenomyosis with leiomyoma of fibroid.
Bhattacharya K, Ramakrishnan R, Gopalan TR, Barua P, Vijayaraghavan J. Uterus didelphys with fibroid uterus and ovarian cyst--rare Muellerian malformation. Journal of the Indian Medical Association. 2006 Jun; 104(6): 336-7