Abdominal suture proctopexy for complete prolapse of rectum.

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Eighteen patients, 13 males and 5 females, with complete rectal prolapse have been treated by suture proctopexy during the period 1987-1989 with no operative mortality and very little morbidity. There was only one case of recurrence during a 3-year follow-up for which a repeat identical procedure was successful. There was some disturbance in faecal continence pre-operatively in 14 cases, of whom, 13 cases were improved by suture proctopexy. There was no significant change in bowel habit postoperatively, with the exception of 2 patients who had constipation postoperatively but one reverted to normal on re-education of bowel habit. All the patients had normal urinary and sexual function. This relatively simple procedure was well tolerated by the patients.
Dandapat MC, Mishra JN, Das RP. Abdominal suture proctopexy for complete prolapse of rectum. Journal of the Indian Medical Association. 1991 Dec; 89(12): 331-3