Maternal morbidity with caesarean section for non-progress of labour: an analytical study.

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To estimate the maternal morbidity and mortality in caesarean section for non-progress of labour, a study was conducted over a period of 16 years at Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sevagram among 533 cases of non-progress of labour for which caesarean section was performed. A total of 34975 women delivered including 7309 cases by caesarean section. Sixteen years records divided into 4 blocks, one each of 4 years were analysed. There was no maternal mortality but 8.25% women had intra-operative complication and 42.21% had postoperative morbidity. Timely intervention can save complication of prolonged labour as well as complications for which caesarean section was done for non-progress of labour.
Chhabra S. Maternal morbidity with caesarean section for non-progress of labour: an analytical study. Journal of the Indian Medical Association. 2007 Dec; 105(12): 684-6