A study of perinatal mortality and associated maternal profile in a medical college hospital.

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Study of perinatal mortality in a Medical College Hospital revealed stillbirth rate as 38.4, early neonatal death rate as 29.3 and overall perinatal morality rate as 67.7 per 1000 live births. More than half (53.6%) of the perinatal deaths were in primipara and another 22.8% in mothers of parity more than 3. Most mothers (85.9%) did not receive adequate antenatal care services. On admission 35.1% mothers presented with some risk factors. The major risk factors identified were toxaemia of pregnancy (14.8%), severe anaemia (13%) and antepartum haemorrhage (2.6%).
Dasgupta S, Saha I, Lahiri A, Mandal AK. A study of perinatal mortality and associated maternal profile in a medical college hospital. Journal of the Indian Medical Association. 1997 Mar; 95(3): 78-9