An imaging study of body composition including lipodeposition pattern in a patient of familial partial lipodystrophy (Dunnigan type).

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Familial Partial Lipodystrophy, Dunnigan type (FPLD), is characterised by loss of subcutaneous fat from the limbs and an excessive accumulation of fat on the neck, shoulder girdle and face. Affected individuals have insulin resistance, dyslipidaemia and early cardiovascular events. Body composition (BC) with details of adipose tissue distribution were studied by Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) ina heterozygote for the FPLD mutation LMNA R482W, and in an age, sex and body mass index (BMI) matched normal control. DEXA revealed a marked decrease in total as well as regional fat percentage in the patient compared to a normal control. Marked reductions in subcutaneous fat in the extremities with substantial lipodeposition in the nape of the neck were confirmed with. MRI. The importance of increased perinephric, retroperitoneal and intermuscular fat in the thighs found in this patient, needs to be explored vis-à-vis the pathogenesis of insulin resistance found in FPLD.
Pandey SN, Pungavkar SA, Vaidya RA, Patkar D, Hegele RA, Sheth FJ, Sheth J, Shah SS, Vaidya AB. An imaging study of body composition including lipodeposition pattern in a patient of familial partial lipodystrophy (Dunnigan type). Journal of the Association of Physicians of India. 2005 Oct; 53(): 897-900