Bone marrow examination for identifying malaria in fever of unknown origin.

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To determine the utility of bone marrow examination for the diagnosis of malaria in patients with persistent fever for prolonged duration, we prospectively studied individuals undergoing diagnostic bone marrow examinations between January 1992 to December 1996. All marrow examinations of patients were examined microbiologically and resulted in diagnosis of malaria in 6.6% of the total patients studied. No case of bacterial, mycobacterial or fungal infection was diagnosed. The diagnostic efficacy of bone marrow for evidence of malaria was very useful in febrile individuals for whom the diagnosis was otherwise unknown.
Mirdha BR, Samantray JC, Mishra B, Xess I. Bone marrow examination for identifying malaria in fever of unknown origin. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India. 1999 Feb; 47(2): 177-9