Understanding hepatitis B.

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Advances in molecular virology and availability of new antiviral agents have made a positive impact on the treatment of hepatitis B. It is important to know the natural history of hepatitis B virus as high amount of virus may remain in the body for long periods of time without any significant liver disease. Whilst reactivation or mutation of hepatitis B virus and immune clearance may be associated with liver injury leading at times to liver failure. Serological and virological tests are routinely available to systematically evaluate a patient who is detected to have Hepatitis B virus infection. International guidelines have been formulated to suggest appropriate selection of the patient and drug for effective treatment. Therapeutic strategies for total eradication of hepatitis B virus from the liver still remain elusive. However it is now possible to ameliorate liver disease and alter the natural history with effective long-term suppression of the hepatitis B virus. New formulations of existing drugs and newer antiviral agents are constantly being looked into in clinical trials in the pursuit of an ideal therapy.
17 references.
Shah SR. Understanding hepatitis B. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India. 2005 Aug; 53(): 711-6