Computer--aided drug interaction retrieval programme.

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A drug interaction database has been created to include information on drug interactions based both on the generic and trade names of drugs. The database has approximately one thousand records that provide the information on drug-drug, food, smoke, alcohol interactions and a message to briefly describe the particulars of drug interactions. The computer programme was designed using Dbase III plus commands, to readily identify potentially significant interactions in a prescription. The computer outputs may be used to alert the physicians in time to take precautions and hence to reduce the incidences of adverse effects associated with drug interactions. This would result in reduction in hospital stay as well as reducing costs of medical care. This is urgently needed in public as well as private hospitals.
Bajaj AN, Karandikar SM, Baichwal MR. Computer--aided drug interaction retrieval programme. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India. 1994 Sep; 42(9): 706-8