Association of vitamin A and zinc status with altered intestinal permeability: analyses of cohort data from northeastern Brazil.

To examine the association of intestinal barrier function with vitamin A deficiency and whether supplementation of micronutrients improves intestinal function and/or linear growth, height-for-age z-score (HAZ), concentrations of serum retinol and zinc, and intestinal permeability were determined in a cross-sectional sample of 75 children in northeastern Brazil. Effects of vitamin A and supplementation of zinc on intestinal permeability and growth were also determined comparing results before and after treatment in 20 children and age-matched controls. Lactulose:mannitol (L/M) permeability ratios inversely correlated with serum retinol concentrations (r = -0.55, p < 0.0005). Increased L/M permeability ratios with reduced concentrations of serum retinol were predominantly attributable to lower absorption of mannitol (r = 0.28, p = 0.02). L/M permeability ratios (p = 0.001) and HAZ scores (p = 0.007) improved with supplementation. It is concluded that impaired intestinal barrier function and linear growth shortfalls improve following supplementation of vitamin A and zinc in this setting.
Journal of Health, Population, and Nutrition.
Chen P, Soares AM, Lima AA, Gamble MV, Schorling JB, Conway M, Barrett LJ, Blaner WS, Guerrant RL. Association of vitamin A and zinc status with altered intestinal permeability: analyses of cohort data from northeastern Brazil. Journal of Health, Population, and Nutrition. 2003 Dec; 21(4): 309-15