Cysticercal meningoencephalitis.

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Meningoencephalitic syndrome can be caused by many infective agents. Over a period of 13 years, 15 of 170 cases of neurocysticercosis (NCC) presented as meningoencephalitis. The basis of diagnosis of NCC was positive subcutaneous nodule histopathology (4), CT scan (9) and autopsy (3) findings. The age of the patients ranged from 7-68 years (mean 32). Fever was encountered in 12, altered sensorium in 7, seizures in 10 and abnormal behaviour in 3 cases. All cases had papilloedema. Focal neurological signs included optic atrophy, lateral rectus palsy, hemiplegia, internuclear ophthalmoplegia and cerebellar ataxia. Cerebrospinal fluid was abnormal in 8 of 13 cases, leading to a suspicion of tuberculous meningitis. Twelve patients improved with therapy. Three cases ended fatally and autopsy confirmed the diagnosis.
Venkataraman S, Roy AK, Dhamija RM, Sanchetee PC. Cysticercal meningoencephalitis. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India. 1990 Oct; 38(10): 763-5