Spina bifida occulta: radiographic and operative correlation.

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The clinical and myelographic evaluation in 24 children with spina bifida occulta has been correlated with the operative findings. Myelograms were done using Myodil in 11 patients and Metrizamide in 13 patients. The diagnostic quality of myelograms done with Metrizamide was comparatively better. Myodil myelography failed to demonstrate diastematomyelia in one case and a dural sac in 3 cases of lipomeningomyelocele, whereas, Metrizamide failed to demonstrate a sac in one case of lipomeningomyelocele only. Worsening of the neurological status was observed in only 3 cases in whom myelography was done with Myodil. The radiographic and operative correlation has been discussed.
Bajpai M, Bhatnagar V, Mitra DK, Mishra NK, Rohatgi M, Upadhyaya P. Spina bifida occulta: radiographic and operative correlation. Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 1989 Jul-Aug; 56(4): 513-7