Priorities in tuberculosis research in India.

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India accounts for nearly 30% of all tuberculosis cases in the world today and more adults in India die from TB than from any other infectious disease. The problems of HIV and multidrug resistance will make tuberculosis epidemic in India much worse unless urgent action is taken. DOTS is being applied on individual basis in the country. Maintaining the momentum in order to achieve national coverage in a phased manner, while maintaining the quality of services will require constructive commitment from all sectors, both within and outside government. This much be accompanied by additional research inputs and critical data analysis. Operational research provides programme managers the data and tools they need to analyse continuously improve services they offer, hence this must be strengthened with an overall aim to improve diagnosis and treatment of TB patients by translating the results of research into policy and practice. At the same time one should aim to strengthening biomedical research which promises convenient diagnostic tests, new and cost effective drugs and safe an effective vaccines, shortening of treatment, improved treatment of latest infection and overcoming threat of MDR-TB. The challenge is how to achieve this formidable goal as well as gear up to efficiently handle the growing burden of HIV-TB infected patients. The key to success lies in making available to all what we already have, by strengthening operational aspects of programme and at the same time not focus on the research efforts being done in basic science. The solution lies in the link between basic science and public health.
14 references.
Ganguly NK, Walia K. Priorities in tuberculosis research in India. Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 2002 Nov; 69 Suppl 1(): S50-6