Acute liver failure.

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Acute liver failure is a rare but potentially fatal disease. Adult definition of fulminant hepatic failure, which includes the development of hepatic necrosis and encephalopathy within 8 weeks of onset of liver disease does not apply to acute liver failure in children particularly if secondary to autoimmune or metabolic liver disease. The etiology of acute liver failure varies with the age of the child. In neonates, infection or an inborn error of metabolism are common, while viral hepatitis and drug induced liver failure are more likely in older children. The clinical presentation of acute liver failure includes jaundice, coagulopathy and encephalopathy. In neonates, encephalopathy may be subclinical. The management of acute liver failure includes assessment of prognosis for liver transplantation; prevention and treatment of complications while awaiting hepatic regeneration or a donor liver and hepatic support. The major complications of acute liver failure are sepsis, gastro-intestinal bleeding, cerebral edema, renal and cardiac failure. Selection for liver transplantation depends on the etiology of the disease, prognostic factors, the presence or absence of multisystem disease and/or reversible brain damage. Prognostic factors for survival are less well established in children than in adults but children with metabolic liver disease, prothrombin time > 50 seconds, rising bilirubin and falling transaminase, grade II or higher grade of hepatic coma indicate poor prognosis. Most children receive a reduced or split liver graft. Living related donations for acute liver failure are also carried out by some centres. Survival post liver transplantation for acute liver failure has improved and most recipients can expect a 70% five year survival.
11 references.
Kelly DA. Acute liver failure. Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 1999 ; 66(1 Suppl): S104-9