An extradural and subdural hematoma in a neonate.

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Traumatic brain injury following birth is common in newborn but significant intracranial haematoma following birth injury is not that usual. Even busy pediatric trauma center have about only 1 to 3 % of admission that require neurosurgical care. Extradural haematoma (EDH) associated with intracerebral and subdural haematoma (SDH) is even more rare in newborn. If this is not detected and treated in time, the outcome may be fatal. A case of EDH with subdural and intracerebral haematoma in a 3 days old neonate is presented. Etiology and problems in diagnosis and management are discussed.
Sharma AK, Diyora BD, Shah SG, Pandey AK, Mamidanna R. An extradural and subdural hematoma in a neonate. Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 2005 Mar; 72(3): 269