Indomethacin-induced colon perforation in Bartter's syndrome.

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Bartter's syndrome (BS) is an inherited renal tubular disorder characterized by hypokalemia, hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis, and hyperaldosteronism with normal blood pressure. A 22-year-old woman was referred at 23 week of gestation. Polyhydramnios was detected and the chloride level of the amniotic fluid was high. The mother was treated with indomethacin from 26 to 31 week of gestation. The newborn was delivered at 34 week of gestation. At 8th day of life, indomethacin was also started for the baby. After three days, a colonic perforation developed. Indomethacin-induced colon perforation is uncommon in antenatal Bartter's syndrome. This patient indicates that administration of indomethacin in both antenatal and/or early postnatal period may be associated with colonic perforation.
Ataoglu E, Civilibal M, Ozkul AA, Varal IG, Oktay ER, Murat E. Indomethacin-induced colon perforation in Bartter's syndrome. Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 2009 Mar; 76(3): 322-3