Serum resistance of Escherichia coli strains causing urinary tract infection and diarrhoea in relation to alpha haemolysin production and O type.

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A total of 46 alpha-hemolytic and 40 non-hemolytic clinical isolates of Escherichia coli were collected from pediatric patients with urinary tract infection and diarrhoea. Of 39 (84.7%) alpha-hemolytic strains and 27 (67.5%) non-hemolytic strains were resistant to 10% serum and there was no significant difference between urinary and stool isolates. On the contrary when 100% serum was used, 22 (47.8%) of the alpha-hemolytic and 7 (17.5%) of the non-hemolytic strains were resistant (p<0.01). and significantly greater resistance was found in urinary tract infection than from the stool samples (47% versus 24%, p<0.01). Serum resistance was higher in serogroups O6, O18 and O75. Production of alpha-hemolysin was more frequent in serogrops O2, O6, O8, O18 and O75. Thus, the resistance to human serum can determine clinical significance of Escherichia coli from different sources and alpha-hemolysin contributes to the virulence of Escherichia coli in initiation and perpetuation of clinical infection.
Rizvi M, Kumar S. Serum resistance of Escherichia coli strains causing urinary tract infection and diarrhoea in relation to alpha haemolysin production and O type. Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 2003 Jul; 46(3): 504-6