Evaluation of cellular immunity in diabetic uraemics by cutaneous response to recall antigens and 2:4 dinitrochlorobenzene and T-cell rosette formation.

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Twenty diabetic uraemics and twenty two healthy matched controls comprised the material for this study. Cell mediated immunity was assessed by estimation of T-cell rosette percentage and cutaneous response to recall antigens--purified protein derivative, candida antigen and 2:4 dinitrochlorobenzene. Results analysis revealed depressed cell mediated immunity in diabetic uraemics in the form of impaired cutaneous response to recall antigens and reduction in T cell rosette percentage, in comparison to controls.
Kuamr S, Singh RG, Gupta RM. Evaluation of cellular immunity in diabetic uraemics by cutaneous response to recall antigens and 2:4 dinitrochlorobenzene and T-cell rosette formation. Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 1993 Apr; 36(2): 129-32