Leucocyte alkaline phosphatase activity in patients with squamous cell carcinoma.

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Alkaline phosphatase have been demonstrated histochemically in the cytoplasm of neutrophils. Altered LAP activity has been observed in a number of conditions. Increased values are found in various inflammatory lesions where as in different malignancies LAP falls. Our study was aimed to see the alteration in LAP activity in case of squamous cell carcinoma. The study was carried out in peripheral blood smears of 185 cases (110 cases of squamous cell carcinoma and 75 of normal persons). After histochemical staining, LAP scoring was done. LAP score in Squamous cell carcinoma (mean +/- SD = 57.41 +/- 16.9). No significant difference in LAP score was found according to the site and grade of carcinoma, and in relation to metastasis. 43 cases were followed up after variable periods of treatment. LAP score was found to be significantly raised following treatment, (mean +/- SD = 21.14 +/- 5.94, p < 0.001). It is concluded that LAP scoring might be used as a cheap and simple technique to diagnose occult malignancies and to assess the response to therapy.
Bisht D, Misra V, Gupta SC, Tewarson SL, Bahuguna S. Leucocyte alkaline phosphatase activity in patients with squamous cell carcinoma. Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 1997 Apr; 40(2): 147-51