Testicular tumour with features of sex cord tumor with annular tubules associated with cryptorchidism and infertility--a case report.

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Sex cord tumor with annular tubules (SCTAT) is a rare tumor seen in the ovary usually associated with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. Testicular SCTAT are more infrequent and only four such cases have been reported in the literature. A 28-year-male presented with infertiliy. He had a history of orchiopexy 10 years back for right-sided inguinal testes. A right testicular biopsy done to investigate the cause of infertility revealed testicular atrophy with a focus suspicious of SCTAT. The right-sided orchiectomy revealed two firm nodules of 0.5 and 0.2 cms of SCTAT and sertoli cell nodule (SCN) respectively on microscopy. He did not have any features of Peutz-Jeghers or any other dysgenetic syndrome. He is asymptomatic after follow up of 26 months. This is the fifth case of testicular SCTAT and the first with SCN.
Nigam S, Gupta V, Sarda AK. Testicular tumour with features of sex cord tumor with annular tubules associated with cryptorchidism and infertility--a case report. Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 2004 Oct; 47(4): 549-51