Gelatinous transformation of bone marrow: a study of 43 cases.

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Gelatinous marrow transformation (GMT) is an uncommon and poorly recognized condition characterized by deposition of seromucinous gelatinous material in the bone marrow stroma. Forty-three cases of GMT were studied in a period of 4 years. There was male preponderance. Fourteen cases were in pediatric age group (less than 12 years). Majority of patients had a preceding history of anorexia, malnutrition and chronic debility. All the patients had anemia. Bone marrow biopsy revealed focal or diffuse GMT. Bone marrow aspirate showed metachromatic dense mucoid material with a few entrapped hematopoietic cells on Giemsa staining. The gelatinous material stained with alcian blue at pH 2.5.
Jain R, Singh ZN, Khurana N, Singh T. Gelatinous transformation of bone marrow: a study of 43 cases. Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 2005 Jan; 48(1): 1-3