Haematuria: glomerular or non-glomerular?

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The standard urinary sediment of 80 consecutive patients with significant haematuria admitted at our hospital was examined for significantly dysmorphic red blood cells by 3 methods-1. Phase contrast microscopy, 2. Wright's staining of the urinary sediment, and 3. Simple light microscopy. The results of the study were compared with the final diagnosis reached in the ward and the sensitivity of the three methods was statistically compared. Our study conclusively proves that phase contrast microscopy is superior to light microscopy of plain or Wright's stained urinary sediment, with respect to both sensitivity and percentage of dysmorphism of the urinary red blood cells which can be detected.
Singbal R, Mittal BV. Haematuria: glomerular or non-glomerular? Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 1996 Oct; 39(4): 281-6