Bacteriological and mycological study of corneal ulcers in and around Aurangabad.

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In the present study an attempt was made to find out bacteria and fungi causing corneal ulcers. Sixty cases of corneal ulcer were studied. Corneal scrapings from patient of corneal ulcer were collected and processed for isolation of bacterial and fungal agents. The commonest age group affected was 21-30 yrs. Incidence of corneal ulcer was more in males 39 (65%) as compared to females 21 (35%). Trauma was the commonest predisposing factor. Out of sixty cases of corneal ulcer positive cultures were obtained in 23 (38.33%). Bacteria were isolated in 10 (16.66%) fungi in 12 (20%) and mixed culture in 1 (1.66%) of the patients. Among the bacterial isolates commonest was Staphylococcus aureus 6 (10%). Among fungal isolates Fusarium species was the commonest isolate 4 (6.66).
Pichare A, Patwardhan N, Damle AS, Deshmukh AB. Bacteriological and mycological study of corneal ulcers in and around Aurangabad. Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 2004 Apr; 47(2): 284-6