Quick score of hormone receptor status of breast carcinoma: correlation with the other clinicopathological prognostic parameters.

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BACKGROUND: Immunohistochemical assessment of the hormone receptor status of breast carcinoma is a routine investigation. However, there is no worldwide consensus on the scoring system. The Quick Score is claimed to be a reliable scoring system, which assesses both the proportion of stained cells and the intensity of staining. AIMS: To assess the value of Quick Score in terms of accepted clinicopathological parameters and to document the prevalence of hormone receptor-positive breast carcinomas in the study sample. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Clinicopathological parameters of 151 breast cancers were compared with the Quick Scores for estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) status. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The Quick Score for ER was 0 in 54.3% (82/151) and for PR was 0 in 51.7% (75/145), indicating no hormone receptor expression in the majority. The Nottingham grade and the mitotic count had a significant inverse relationship with the Quick Score for hormone receptor status. The Nottingham Prognostic Index (NPI) also had an inverse relationship with the hormone receptor status.
Mudduwa LK. Quick score of hormone receptor status of breast carcinoma: correlation with the other clinicopathological prognostic parameters. Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 2009 Apr-Jun; 52(2): 159-63