Persistence of parvovirus B19 IgM antibodies and DNA in pure red cell aplasia resulting in myelodysplasia--a case report.

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Human erythrovirus B19 (B19), previously known as parvovirus B19, is a small spherical, non-enveloped single stranded DNA virus. It has been shown to cause a wide spectrum of clinical conditons including various hematological disorders. We report here for the first time from Inida a case of pure red cell aplasia in a 45-year-old female for last 7 years due to chronic persistent B19 infection leading to myelodysplasia after 4 years. Her sera were positive for two times 4 months apart for B19 IgM and B19 DNA at the initial stage. Presently the patient is on repeated blood transfusion on every 15-20 days.
Kishore J, Mukhopadhyay C. Persistence of parvovirus B19 IgM antibodies and DNA in pure red cell aplasia resulting in myelodysplasia--a case report. Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 2004 Jan; 47(1): 78-81