ESR and iron status in pregnancy.

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ESR (Westergen) correlated significantly with the iron status (as measured by Hb concentration, haematocrit, red cell count, MCH, P/H ratio, serum iron, TIBC and percent saturation of transferrin) in a group of pregnant women (PW) at term. Serum ferritin correlated negatively with the ESR but the correlation was not statistically significant. Serum ferritin levels of < 50 micrograms/L were present in 9 (34.6%) PW with ESR > or = 50 mm 1st hour and 5 (19.2%) PW with ESR < 50 mm 1st hour. The mean ESR in PW was 55.7 (+/- 22.9) and was > or = 50 mm 1st hour in 50% and < 75 mm 1st hour in 82.7%. The difference in the mean ESR in anaemic and nonanaemic PW was highly significant (p < 0.001), 87.5% anaemic PW with serum ferritin > 50 micrograms/L had ESR > or = 50 mm 1st hour, suggesting the possible effect of chronic infection in raising ferritin levels in these PW.
Madan N, Kapoor S, Rusia U, Sharma S, Nayyar VL, Sundaram KR, Sood SK. ESR and iron status in pregnancy. Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 1997 Oct; 40(4): 521-5