C-reactive protein and buffy coat smear in early diagnosis of childhood septicemia.

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Out of 200 cases of septicemia in children (age group 0-14 years), 111 had positive C-Reactive Protein (CRP > 12 mg/l) and 84 were buffy coat smear positive. Blood culture was positive in 98 cases, with predominant organism being Klebsiella pneumoniae, followed by Staphylococcus aureus. CRP test showed 100% sensitivity and 87.3% specificity, while buffy coat smear showed 76.5% sensitivity and 91.2% specificity. As blood culture reports are not available before 48-72 hours, combination of CRP test and buffy coat smear examination will be very helpful in early diagnosis of childhood septicemia.
De A, Saraswathi K, Gogate A, Raghavan K. C-reactive protein and buffy coat smear in early diagnosis of childhood septicemia. Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 1998 Jan; 41(1): 23-6