Is pseudophakic astigmatism a desirable goal?

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PURPOSE: To determine whether pseudophakic astigmatism is a desirable goal, and if so, which one is better: against-the-rule (ATR) or with-the-rule (WTR). METHOD: Eyes were included only if they had an uncorrected vision > or = 6/18 and N/18. Three groups, of 40 patients each were evaluated: group 1, pseudophakes with neutral astigmatism; group 2, with ATR and group 3, with WTR astigmatism Unaided distance and near visual acuity was recorded. Statistical analysis was performed using the chi-square test for independence. RESULTS: Unaided distance vision of > or = 6/7.5 was achieved in 19 eyes (47.5%) of group 1 (neutral), 12 eyes (30%) in group 2 (ATR), and 5 eyes (12.5%) in group 3 (WTR) (p = 0.0133, significant). Unaided near vision of > or = N/9 was achieved in 17 eyes (42.5%) in group 1 (neutral), 34 eyes (85%) in group 2 (ATR), and 10 eyes (25%) in group 3 (WTR) (P < 0.001, significant). Group 1 (neutral) fared the best for unaided distance visual acuity. Group 2 (ATR) was better than in group 3 (WTR) for distant vision. Group 2 (ATR) fared the best for unaided near vision. CONCLUSION: ATR astigmatism could be a desirable goal after cataract extraction in selected populations because the largest proportion of these cases achieved good unaided near vision with acceptable distant vision.
Nagpal KM, Desai C, Trivedi RH, Vasavada AR. Is pseudophakic astigmatism a desirable goal? Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. 2000 Sep; 48(3): 213-6